Monday, July 27, 2009

Weather Station is up and running!

The weather station is back up and running! We are very excited to be able to provide up to date weather that is happening right here in Pine Cove. Just go to our website at and click on the link. We hope you find this weather station a useful tool.

Heat Wave

After a couple of very hot weeks, it was nice to have the clouds roll by on Saturday and spritz us with a few rain drops. It would have been nice to have more rain, but at least the clouds provided a little relief from the previous 2 weeks of heat and humidity. This type of weather is hard on not only us humans, but on our gardens as well. If you haven't already done so, perhaps now would be a good time to add some mulch to your garden.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Projects

Now that the nice weather is here, this is the time most people try to get those remodeling projects done. If fixing up your kitchen or bathroom is on your to do list this summer, make sure you choose new appliances and fixtures that meet the Energy Star standards and are water saving. Do your research prior to purchasing. Take advantage of rebates not only from manufacturers, but from utility companies as well. By being an informed consumer, you will not only save money on the initial purchase, but you will continue to save money by lowering your utility bills. You will also be doing your part to help the planet.

If purchasing new appliances isn't in your immediate future, there are still things you can do to save energy. If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker, turn it off. It saves electricity if you make ice in trays and fill up the ice bucket yourself.

You can make or purchase a solar oven and cook your meals outside by using free sunshine. Or try eating more raw foods, like salads, that need little or no cooking. Have fresh fruit for dessert instead of baking up tempting treats. A favorite at our house is fresh strawberries sliced up over graham crackers, topped with a little freshly made whipped cream. No baking required!

Take showers instead of baths, and keep them short. This not only saves water, but it also saves electricty or propane. By using less hot water, we use less energy, as well as less water. You can use a simple kitchen timer to time yourself. You can also turn off the water all together while you get lathered up and then just turn it back on long enough to rinse off. And don't forget to install a low flow shower head to save even more water. We have them available here at the water district office.

Now is also the perfect time to change out your toilet to a low flow model. We are currently offering a rebate of $100 on low flow toilets and you will save money each month on your water bill as well.

Don't let water run down the drain while you wait for it to get hot. Keep a large stock pot in the kitchen and a bucket in the bathroom to collect the water that would normally run down the drain. That water can then be used for cooking or for watering plants, or even added into the washer. Don't let it just run down the drain. Better yet, install a hot water recycling unit like a Chili Pepper, and get a $100 rebate and instant hot water.

If a new washer is in your future, be sure to check out the front loading models that use about half the water of a top loader. They use less energy, less water and are gentler to your clothes. They come in a variety of sizes to fit most any situation. Many can even be stacked if you are short on space.

There are many options today to lower your energy costs and save water and money. So before you start your summer remodeling projects, do your homework and you will be glad you did.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July already?

As the 4th of July weekend draws near, it is hard to believe that the year is offically half over now. We hope everyone has a pleasant and safe holiday weekend.

The next board meeting will be held on July 8th at 10 am. We hope you are able to attend.

As summer is now in full swing, please continue to monitor your water use and take advantage of our free mulch and water saving kits. If you need more information, feel free to stop in the district office or give us a call. If you have any water saving tips you would like to share with us, please leave a comment. We would love to hear about everyone's ideas for saving water at this time of the year.

We also have lots of blue bird houses ready for pick up. Just stop by the district office as ask for one!