Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Musings~~Has Spring Finally Sprung?

The week is starting off on a warm note. The sky is blue, there is a breeze, the air smells fresh and clean and the temperature is perfect. When the weather starts to warm up, it is natural to want to get out into the yard and start cleaning up winter's mess. But before you start planting or watering anything in your yard, be sure to check your irrigation system for any wear and tear or damage that might cause leaks. Consider installing a timer so you don't forget about it and over water. Also be sure you do not irrigate when it is raining. And don't forget to mulch. A layer of mulch helps keep moisture in and slowly decomposes adding nutrients to the soil. Being water wise in the yard is everyone's job.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Follies

As the week closes, we have seen an improvment in the weather. While still cool, at least the sun is shining and it feels like spring just might arrive one of these days.

Starting on Friday, April 24, we will have a picture of the week. Submit your picture via email to It can be a picture of anything in and around Pine Cove. Think sunsets, sunrises, the garden, nature, an especially cute house or yard, trees, the fog, squirrels and so on. So get out your camera and see what wonderful images of Pine Cove you can capture.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Spring

We ended last week with clouds and fog and a couple of inches of snow. Today isn't much better. It has been cold, cloudy and very windy. Although it is spring on the calendar, you would never know it by our weather. But we know spring will eventually come and when it does we will be all the more appreciative.

Now is the perfect time to start planning for your summer garden. We have bark mulch available for Pine Cove Water District customers free of charge. Please take advantage of this. A 3 to 4 inch layer of mulch helps retain moisture and allows you to water less. It also slowly decomposes over time creating wonderful compost which in turn enriches your soil and provides additional nutrients for your plants. It is a win win situation.

Also, carefully consider a plants water needs prior to putting in into your garden. Look for native plants and plants that tolerate drought conditions. A little planning before hand can lead to a wonderful garden later on.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Now Available

A quick reminder to let you know that we currently have blue bird houses and water saving kits available free of charge for Pine Cove Water District customers. Just stop by the district office located at 24917 Marion Ridge Dr. and pick yours up today.

Week's End

It has been a busy week here at the water district and we are ending the week with a foggy, overcast day. Perhaps we will get some precipitation later in the day. Water bills were mailed out on Monday and our monthly board meeting was held on Wednesday, April 8 at 10 a.m. You will find the minutes from the board meeting on our website, The next board meeting will be held on May 13, 2009 at 10 a.m. in the board room at the water district office on Marion Ridge Dr.

If you haven't been to our website yet, I would encourage you to take a look around it. It has lots of information regarding the water district, as well as many useful resources. Stay informed by checking our website and blog regularly. We also encourage you to ask questions or leave comments here on our blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We are happy to announce that the Pine Cove Water District now has a blog. Please stop by often and see what is happening around the district. Check for updates, news and events. Feel free to leave a message and tell us what you think. We look forward to hearing from you.
