Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung?

Not!  Yesterday may have been the first day of spring, but Old Man Winter isn't ready to leave just yet.  The weather reports I received over the weekend are predicting up to 31 inches of snow!  Yes, you read that right.  31 inches. 

This isn't all that unusual for the hill though.  Anyone who has lived here for any length of time can tell you all sorts of snow horror stories.  Just last year, we had snow in May.  So while it may be spring on the calendar, it is probably not spring here in Pine Cove just yet. 

Looking up Marion Ridge Road from the water district office.

Looking down Marion Ridge Road to Highway 243 from the water district office.

Pine trees outside the water district office covered in new snow.

It would be a good idea to stay inside if you don't absolutely have to go out anywhere.  The roads are fairly clear, but why take the chance?  Please be sure you have provided adequate shelter, food and water for outdoor animals.  If possible, bring your dog inside during this bad weather.  Remember, they get cold too!

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