Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ok, who canceled spring?

The snowy weather just keeps on coming.  I have to admit, even though we need all the snow and rain we can get, I am tired of it.  Physically tired.  I am tired of being cold.  My dogs are tired of walking around on the snow and ice to go potty, my husband works outside mostly and he is tired of being cold and wet all day.  We are both tired of shoveling and tired of having snow piled up to our window sills.  I am tired of not being able to open the windows and I am tired of the ever white landscape. I am tired of all the extra coats, boots, sweaters, gloves and hats that are cluttering up my laundry room and snow shovels and snow blowers cluttering up my back porch.

 I think this is the time of the year when cabin fever really sets in .  In January and February, you can tell yourself it is winter and this is to be expected.  But, by the end of March, it is spring and I WANT spring weather.  We have done our time in winter and it is time to reap our reward for making it through yet another cold season.  I want to dig in the dirt, see some green and sit out in the sun without a heavy coat on.  I want daffodils and tulips and yard sales. I want to hang my sheets out on the line.  I want to be outside working in the garden for hours on end.  I want to swap out snow boots and Uggs, for Birkenstocks and Wellies.  I want to play my harp out in the garden on a warm afternoon. I want to  let the gentle breeze waft through the strings and just listen to the song Mother Nature creates.  So much to look forward to....I can hardly wait.

Unfortunately, I will have to wait, as they are calling for more snow tonight!  When will it end?  Too bad we can't bottle some of this cold weather up and use it in July or August when we are having a heat wave, dry spell and feel as if it will never, ever be cool or wet again.  One thing about the weather, it always gives us something to talk about, complain about or rave about.  Be it nice or nasty, we have to take it as it comes.  I guess that is what makes living her in Pine Cove so special.  While is is frustrating now, I know in a few weeks or so we will be rewarded with the most glorious sunny days and cool, crisp, star filled nights.  The trees will leaf out and the lilacs will bloom.  The smell of cedar and pine will perfume the early morning air and we will once again be sure that there is no better place on earth to live.  Our summer time activities will be in full swing and another glorious summer in the mountains will envelope us.  Soon, I hope!

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