Friday, March 25, 2011

Frugal Friday

Even though the weather is rainy, foggy and cold today, I decided to post a Frugal Friday garden tip anyway!
I have been looking through some gardening blogs this past week for some inspiration.  Wow,  there a lot of fabulous gardeners across our country.  There are more blogs than I could ever read and they are extremely inspirational. And even though I can't even see my garden right now due to the 3 feet of snow that is covering it,  it is still fun to plan ahead.  Next week promises spring like temperatures so perhaps we will be able to get out and start gardening sometime next week.

It never fails to amaze me at the amazing ways people find to re-purpose items.  Yes, we have all seen people plant flowers in old boots or old sinks and things along those lines, but when I was over at Garden Fresh Living yesterday, I took the time to watch some of the videos that Theresa Loe, the owner of the blog and the Associate Producer of the PBS show Growing a Greener World, has posted.  You can actually watch the shows from her blog and so I decided to watch the one that featured her garden on less than 1/5th of an acre in Los Angeles.  Since I too live on about 1/5th of an acre, I am always very interested in seeing how other people create sustainable gardens in such a small space. 

Her garden is a lovely cottage style garden and has a mix of flowers and vegetables and she even has a chicken coop with several backyard chickens.  A girl after my own heart!  While she has a lot of re-purposed items throughout her entire garden, the one thing that really caught my eye, was the old glass doorknobs that she had attached to the top of metal pipes and put into the ground to use as a hose guards.  I thought that was very clever and I am definitely going to use that tip in my garden this summer.  How many times have you smashed down a plant when the hose got drug over it?  I have done it plenty!  Her re-purposed hose guards kept the hose out of the flower beds and they looked adorable as well. I am going to write to her and see if she will tell me how she attached the door knobs to the metal pipes.  Perhaps you can find a piece of pipe that fits right into them.  I am not sure.  But I will be sure to let you all know. 

I hope you will return often to our blog because as summer approaches because I will be posting lots of pictures of the projects I undertake here at the office, as well as at my home garden in hopes of helping and inspiring others here in Pine Cove to garden more.  Ideas will include re-purposing items, water saving ideas, composting, mulch, plants that do well up here, natives and many other things along the way.

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