Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Ahead

So, did you all remember to turn your clocks forward on Saturday night?  It is always an adjustment, isn't it?  Whether going forward or backward, I find it disruptive to my internal clock.  And while I like the extra daylight at the end of the day, I do not like the dark mornings.  I love to get up early and take my dogs for a walk in the quiet, early hours.  It gives me a chance to think, pray and just listen to the sounds of nature while we are walking.  However, walking two dogs in the dark is not especially fun. 

I have tried doing this, but I am always afraid of what or who I might run into.  Since you can't see, it is very easy to trip and fall as well.  I tried taking a flash light, but my husband thinks that makes me look like I am doing something suspicious.  Since I have to be at work at 9 am, I cannot wait until 7 or 7:30 to walk the dogs unless I want to get to work all sweaty.  I doubt my co-workers would be in favor of that.  At my age, I need extra time in the morning to make myself presentable.

So for now, it is afternoon walks for us.  I don't enjoy them as much as there is more traffic, bright sunshine and more noise.  At 5 am, Pine Cove is fairly quiet and watching the sunrise as you walk is an invigorating way to start the day.  It kind of puts everything into perspective for the day.

How about you?  How has the time change affected your schedule?

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