Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cal Fire News Release

In light of the recent events in Japan, Cal Fire has put out a news release about earthquake safety.  It is posted on our website at www.pcwd.org.  It might be a good idea to pop over and take a look at it.  It is easy to forget we need to be prepared as well.  Sometimes fire seems to be our main adversary, but we can't let our guard down when it comes to earthquake preparedness as well.  As for myself, I will be working on my to go box this week and making sure it is up to date and that everything that should be in there is.  Once the weather warms up, I will get out in the shed and make sure my other supplies are up to date as well.  It is easy to forget to replace the food in your emergency kit or make sure you have enough water stored and so on.  I guess the old saying, prepare for the worst and hope for the best, applies here. 

We see these disasters on TV and figure they will never happen to us, but they could.  We could easily be isolated should a major disaster happen and who knows how long it would be until help would arrive.  So it is best to prepare and hope it never comes to that.   I hope as a community, everyone here in Pine Cove would come together and help each other out in a time of disaster.  I know all of us here at the water district would do whatever we could to help out during an emergency situation such as an earthquake. 

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