Monday, March 7, 2011

Raining again!

As I sit here typing my blog posts, we are shrouded in fog.  This is great.  I love a rainy, foggy morning.  I don't know why, but I do.  There is something extremely cozy about it.  Being enveloped in fog and rain is like being given permission to stay indoors and relax.  With weather like this, it seems OK to stay in your jammies all day and watch re-runs of old television shows.   It seems everyone would be content to just hang around in front of the fire with a mug of hot chocolate, the remote control or a good book.

However, I did manage to get myself dressed and make it into work.  According to the weather station we have received .24 inches of rain so far today.  March may have come in like a lamb but this past weekend, the weather across the nation was anything but calm.  We are really very lucky here in Pine Cove.  We don't usually have tornadoes, hurricanes or flash floods to deal with.  While I am sure there is always the possibility they could happen, as a rule they do not.   We also don't usually get those frigid below zero temps and even though we might get large amounts of snow, we don't seem to get those white outs or blizzards that are common in the mid west or back east.  Being out in the snow when the temps are around 30 or so is quite fun.  This past week brought temperatures in the 40s and 50s. I am amazed at how much of last weekend's snow has already melted away.  Once today's storm clears out, the forecast looks like it will return to the nicer weather, so I expect it will all be gone before long.

Before we know it, summer will be here and the winter of 10-11 will be just a distant memory.  Snow is such a magical thing sometimes.  Watching the first flakes of the season slowly drift to the ground is always exciting.  Of course snow at the holidays always makes things seem more festive.  And a walk in the snow when there is a full moon just can't be described as anything less than magical! We are very lucky that we get to enjoy all four seasons here in Pine Cove and that none of them are all that extreme.  Makes for very pleasant living.  So as we leave one season for the next, we will have to say good bye to the rain and the snow, but  we can look forward to the garden springing to life, picnics, sandals, the summer concerts and all the other wonderful activities that go on during the spring and summer months here on the hill.

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