Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Still Snowing!

Well, it doesn't look like we are going to get a break from winter any time soon.  At least not until Saturday by the looks of the weather forecast.  On the water front, this is good.  The more moisture the better.  While this type of weather does make life tougher, it is wonderful for our water situation.  Plus we were lucky that at least this recent storm held off until the snow from the previous storms melted off.  So at least it isnt' piled up over our windows or anything. 

So even though it says spring on the calendar, here in Pine Cove it is still winter for now.  It will make spring and summer all that much sweeter and hopefully give us another year where we don't have to move into a higher stage of water conservation.   While we aren't out of the woods drought wise just yet, having these wet winters is certainly a welcome relief.  It may not end the drought, but at least it keeps it from getting worse.  It is so easy to forget we are in a drought when we are sitting here with all this snow, but we have to remember that it isn't what is on the ground that counts, it is what percolates back down into the ground.

So don't put those boots and heavy coats away just yet.  Perhaps in a few weeks we can think about doing that, but for now keep your snow shovel and boots by the door and make sure you have an adequate supply of propane and/or wood so you can stay toasty warm. 

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