Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring here for good?

This weekend provided residents of Pine Cove with some spring like weather. The sun was shining and although it wasn't all that warm, it was better than it has been. It feels good to fling open the windows and doors and let that fresh air and sunshine in. Now is a good time to check and see how your irrigation system, outside faucets and hoses faired over the long winter. Check for leaks and repair them immediately. Once the summer gets here, you want your outdoor watering to be as efficient as possible.

It is easy to get complacent when it comes to water use after such a long, seemingly wet winter. But remember, we are not out of the water woods yet. One wet winter does not a drought eliminate. If we are to continue to have an adequate supply of clean water, we must be ever vigilant and always conserve when possible. Being ever mindful of our water situation and conserving when possible, reduces the possibility that we will have to go into a Stage 2 or 3 conservation effort. We are currently in Stage 1 and we hope everyone will continue to conserve and be good stewards of the water supply that we have. We here at the PCWD appreciate everyone's efforts to conserve water and only use what is necessary. If everyone does their part, then we will all have plenty of wonderful water for all our needs.

Remember we have water saving kits available for FREE at the water district office. Just come in and ask for yours. We also have FREE wood chips to use as mulch in your garden. Mulch helps keeps the moisture in the soil and slowly decomposes and adds valuable nutrients to your garden soil. Stop by anytime and pick up as much as you need. The pile is located behind the workshop on Marion Ridge Rd.

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