Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sustainable Thursday

We are all trying to live more sustainably, however, in today's world this can be difficult and confusing. So I found an article called The Seven Stones of Simpler Living by Chris Baskind on that I thought was very good. I am posting them here. If you want to read more, please go to

Reduce your consumption

Anyone who thinks they can shop their way to greener living has been watching too much television. Sure, responsible consumerism matters. Every purchase is a choice. But the key to simpler, greener living is pretty straightforward: consume less. A simple way to cut back on unnecessary purchases is the One Week rule. Unless you have a real show-stopper, write down the things you need and sit on them for seven days. Stores are designed to encourage impulse spending, so staying away as much as possible is good news for your bank account. After a week, round up the items you still need and group them together with an eye toward combining as many trips as possible. Then stick to your list. While this all sounds very simple, you’ll quickly realize how chaotic our spending habits can be — and how much money you can save through better planning.

Trim your waste stream

We call it garbage; other nations might call it wealth. There’s no end to things we send to the landfill. Recycling helps, but the sheer volume of waste generated by the average household is overwhelming. From obsolete electronics to that mason jar you casually tossed in the trash last night, we’re flooding our landfills while robbing ourselves of things which might be put to another use. Start by thinking twice when you purchase something: Is whatever you’re buying too heavily packaged? Do you need it all? Think again before putting anything in a trash or recycling bin. Nobody expects you to become a packrat, but that jar could easily be repurposed as a water bottle or something to pack a snack. Food scraps belong in the compost heap. Maybe that cardboard, too. For some idea starters on keeping things out of the bin, check out this helpful list from No Impact Man.

Cut your energy use

Energy prices have relaxed over the past few months as a direct result of the worldwide economic slowdown. But electricity, gasoline, natural gas, and heating oil still represent a hefty portion of the average family budget. Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in an area already invested in renewable energy, every unattended TV or flick of the light switch means you’re burning fossil fuels. That means you’re directly responsible for the air pollution and all the related consumables it took to bring that power to your wall socket. You’ll find hundreds of energy saving tips here on Lighter Footstep, and we’re posting more every week. Learn to weatherize; replace or retire inefficient appliances; consider more energy efficient lighting; and rearrange your living spaces so they take better advantage of natural heat, lighting, and cooling. Switch things off and pocket the change. You’ll probably enjoy the peace and quiet.

Prepare and grow your own food

If there’s one lost art in the past decade or two, it’s cooking real food. By “cooking,” we don’t mean warming up packaged food from the grocery store. We’re talking about preparing meals from fresh ingredients. That’s how our parents and grandparents did it. Admittedly, society has changed: With dual-income households and ever-expanding work schedules, it’s easy to fall back on processed meals and fast foods. And that’s a shame. Making a meal — whether it’s just for yourself or a whole family — is the one of the little rituals which forces us to slow down and be mindful of what we eat. It’s also healthier, and an enormous money saver. Not too handy in the kitchen? Take a class, or spend time cooking with someone you love. Real food needn’t be complicated. And consider growing some of what you consume. Even if you’re not blessed with the space to plant a garden, you can grow a satisfying crop of herbs and vegetables in modest containers.

Reduce your reliance on automobiles

We love our cars. And why not? Virtually everything about modern living — particularly in the United States — assumes automobile transportation. Think how much blacktop and concrete there is within a hundred yards of you right now. Our cities sprawl across what used to be countryside. Stores and businesses which make provision for bicycles and mass transit are the exception, and we feel inconvenienced if there’s not plenty of parking within a few paces of wherever we travel. Dust off that bicycle or grab a backpack and get walking. Perhaps you could start by taking our Ten Mile Pledge. The more you park your car, the more money you’ll save and the healthier you’ll feel. Start small, establish new habits, and you’ll be surprised how much you can get done without burning a drop of gasoline.

Reduce your personal stress

It’s not an accident that virtually every one of our “simplicity stones” has a meditative component. You have to make time to prepare food, choose walking over a car trip, or even make a proper shopping list. This is a good thing, because it forces you to unburden yourself of something else. We are hopelessly overstimulated. Living a greener life is less about learning new things than letting go of the old. Think about all the tasks you do in a week that take longer than thirty minutes. Look most carefully at social obligations, hobbies — even the time you spend online. Have any of these become a chore? What could be jettisoned? It could be something as simple as dropping a social network, or a repetitive task which could be delegated to others. You could probably find a few extra hours a week in this manner. Don’t be in a hurry to fill them. Pick up a book, talk a walk, or putter in the garden. Light physical activity is a great way to trade stress for a little extra serotonin. If you’re doing a good job saving money, you might be able to afford that once-a-week massage. Now, at least, you’ll have time to fit it in.

Learn to give back

You’ve reduced your consumption. There are a few extra dollars in the bank. Your environmental footstep gets a little smaller from month to month, and you’ve managed reclaim some time from the chaos of your week. Now you’re ready to give back. It’s an encouraging sign that the very same people being pushed aside by a faltering economy are sparking a new surge in volunteerism. Perhaps it’s the old adage that adversity brings out the best in people. Or maybe something new is happening: a return to the ideals of community and service. How you join in is a personal decision. Teach your new-found skills to others, help people find jobs, or assist a faith or social group. As you learn to slow down and simplify, chances are that opportunities to serve will find you.

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