Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sustainable Thursday

Well spring has finally sprung. I think. As we sit at the beginning of the summer season, it is a good time to think about what we can do to be more sustainable. This time of year is so wonderful. After the long, cold winter we just want to fling open our doors and windows and get outside. For many that means the start of the gardening season.

Spring and fall are the best time to plant trees. Try to avoid planting them in the middle of the hot, summer months when their water needs will be high. If you can't get your trees planted withing the next month or two, it might be more beneficial to wait until fall. Trees are an excellent way to help naturally cool your house during the summer months. If you plant deciduous trees, you will then allow the sun into your house in the winter time as well.

Removing excess paving. As we all know, cement really holds the heat. The more of it you have around your house, the more heat that will be retained. Convert pavement to plants. Remember the driveways with two narrow strips of pavement? All that unpaved area between the strips would allow water to soak into the ground, preventing runoff and adding to the cooling of the air. Plants are better than pavement Wherever possible, minimize or even remove pavement, and instead plant the area with low-water-using, low-maintenance plants. Or try the two narrow strips type of driveway if you feel you can go without pavement.

Remember to check your outside irrigation system for leaks. All water that passes through your meter is your responsibility.

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