Monday, May 24, 2010

Wild, Wild, Weather

Well, it appears I was WRONG! Sunday brought more cold and snow so it evidently was not safe to plant things out in the garden. I can only hope my morning glory seeds will make it through. I have covered my cucumbers and my one cherry tomato plant. My strawberries look very unhappy as of this morning and I hope they make it through unscathed.

Yesterday presented us with snow, wind, hail and cold temperatures. Call me crazy, but I wasn't really prepared for this because I thought it was spring! But that is life here in Pine Cove. Sometimes Mother Nature throws us a curve ball and we have to just roll with it. I am not sure when it will be safe to plant my garden, so I think I will make sure I am ready to cover my plants just in case. I will be putting off my tomato planting until after Memorial Day now.

I know they are calling for another storm to come through later this week, and I am hoping that it will be the last one. I am all for spring showers, but not so much for spring snow. I think we are all ready for a dose of sunshine and summer.

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