Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Musings

I think summer is finally here.  What an odd spring we had this year. As summer arrives tomorrow, the weather is due to heat up for the next couple of days.  I am sure since we had such a cool spring that this will feel like a heat wave to many people here in Pine Cove.   I think we have been having perfect weather lately.  It doesn't get any better than the low 70's in the day time and 50's at night.  What could be better?  The coming week looks to be very pleasant once we get past Wednesday's predicted high of 86.  It will then go back to the 70's and night time temps will drop from the 60's back to the 50's.  It is during this type of weather that I enjoy living in Pine Cove the most.  It is truly idyllic.

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