Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Edible Cottage Gardens

One thing I love about Idyllwild and Pine Cove is that we have very few lawns.  I have always been more fascinated with gardens than lawns and never quit understood what all the fuss was about anyway when it comes to grass.  To this day, I do not understand the fascinating people have with grass.  While a small patch here or there is nice, especially if you have young children, any more than that is such a waste.

As for me, I am fascinated with potage gardens, edible landscaping, cottage gardens and woodland gardens.  Why?  Well, several reasons.  One, I love the idea of growing your own food.  If you are going to water something, it should provide you with something in return.  Grass doesn't really do this, but berry bushes, fruit trees and vegetables do!  Two, I love the mix of flowers and edibles all in one landscape.  By growing tomatoes next to roses, you are getting double the bang for your buck.  Since they have similar watering needs, you not only get beautiful roses to decorate your table with, but you also get delicious tomatoes for on your table as well.  All for the same watering effort.  Thirdly, I just love the kind of wild and overgrown look of an edible cottage garden.  It is organized chaos.  Isn't there something enchanting about a garden that is just a little bit overgrown and that you can't see through?  It makes you feel secluded and protected.  You want to step through the gate and follow the path around to see what surprises lie in store for you.

How fabulous is it to walk around the garden, stop and smell a rose and then take a step or two and bend down and pick a delicious, ripe strawberry?  Now that is my idea of a garden.  I have many books in my personal library on this type of gardening.  While it is slow going at my own garden, I am working towards this. Everyone can do this type of gardening.  Thinking of planting a new tree this year?  Why not go with a fruit or nut tree?  Need some bushes, how about blueberries?  Not only will you get some delicious fruit, but some varieties turn a brilliant red or orange color in the fall.  Looking for a vine to shade a spot or grow up an arbor?  How about a grape vine?  There are many ways we can incorporate edibles into our landscaping.  Think of adding edibles as getting a twofer!

Veggie gardens don't have to be long straight rows of vegetables.  There are a variety of wonderful garden accessories these days that can make a vegetable garden aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.  How lovely are pole beans scampering up a wooden trellis?  Or cucumbers or cherry tomatoes climbing up an arbor?  Growing your own food can be a very rewarding experience.  While growing your own vegetables may not be cheaper than buying these items at the store, there are many inherent benefits from gardening that have nothing to do with money.  You will be getting exercise, fresh air, sunshine and a hobby out of it.  Plus, I guarantee you that what ever you grow will taste way better than anything you can buy in the store.  So the next time you are out shopping for plants for your garden, don't forget to stop by the vegetable and herb section and see what edibles you can add to your garden.

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