Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Musings

Each Monday morning, I try to take the time to go through the stats for the blog.  It is amazing that we are getting hits from around the world!  A lot of them are due to searches people are making and a related post from our blog pops up in their search.  While they are are not specifically looking for Pine Cove Water District, I still think it is pretty neat that our little blog is being seen and some posts are being read around the world.  We do have a lot of hits from people coming directly here to read the latest posts or about the board meetings or various other things going on here at the water district as well and we are grateful to those who read regularly.    We want to thank everyone for their support of our little blog.

We are working our way to 10,000 hits and this is amazing to us.  I remember when we hit 1,000 and thought that was really great.  We never thought we would get anywhere near 10,000 hits, so we are very excited about that.

 We would also like to encourage everyone who reads the blog, to let us know what subjects they are interested in seeing here on the blog, as sometimes we feel like we are repeating ourselves quite a bit.  Water is a very important subject and can also be a very deep subject as well, (I know, very puny) but we are trying to keep it light and local here on the blog.  So if you have a suggestion for a subject, please let us know.

 If you would like to write a post on a topic that is pertinent to our blog, drop me an email and if it fits our format, I will publish it and let everyone know it was a guest poster.  You can be anonymous if you prefer, but I would love to have some guest bloggers to give the blog a bit of variety.   You can email me directly at  We would also like to encourage everyone to leave any comments they might have as we love to hear from our customers.

We hope you are all enjoying the nice summer weather and have a fun filled summer.

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