Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Board Meeting Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our monthly board meeting.  It will begin at 10 a.m.  The agenda has been posted outside our front door since Friday if you care to see what is going to be on it.  Minutes from previous board meetings are posted on our website at www.pcwd.org if you care to read those.  Everyone is welcome to attend and we hope to see you all there!

As mentioned in a previous post, Tom McCullough and Mike Esnard will serve another term on the board.  Since no one choose to run against them, no election was necessary.  Congratulations to Tom and Mike.  We look forward to continuing our work with them.

In case you are wondering, our board consists of 5 members who are Tom McCullough, Joel Palmer, Dan Fandrich, Lou Padula and Mike Esnard.  You can see their pictures posted on the right hand side of the blog.

We would encourage everyone to come to a board meeting and find out more about the water district, how it is run and what are plans are for the future, as well as the state of our water supply here in Pine Cove.  Our board meetings are very informative and will help you understand where our water comes from, how good it is and what we do to preserve the supply.  Hope to see you there.

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