Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sustainable Thursday

For a while, Sustainable Idyllwild had a contest going with Fairway Foods that people who brought their own bags for their groceries could enter for a $25 gift certificate.  But like most things, interest fades and I don't know if people are still bringing their own bags or not when they go shopping.  I am pretty good about that when I grocery shop, but the other day it dawned on me that I am not doing it when I run errands and pick up things here and there while out doing other types of shopping. 

So today I was pleasantly surprised to find a gift on my desk when I came in to work this morning.   Thanks to Holly over at the Earth Fair, I now have a nice, new canvas tote bag that isn't all stained with meat juice or other unidentifiable stains.  It even has the Earth Fair logo on it and it is beautiful.   I am going to put it in my car and use my new Earth Fair tote bag for all my other shopping.  Thanks for the bag Holly.  It made me re-commit to not using plastic bags unnecessarily.

Sometimes living sustainably seems overwhelming and hard to do, but I  want to remind everyone that if we all do a few simple things, like using canvas or re-usable bags,  it does make a big difference. 

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