Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wet Winter Ahead?

The weather station has recorded a whopping 2.52 inches of rain so far for the month of October. Wow, that is great. Is this a sign of things to come for the winter? I keep hearing a drier than normal winter is in our future, but who knows for sure? I sure wasn't expecting this much rain in the past week.

I do hope that we will get at least a normal amount of moisture this winter. With October typically being a bad fire month, I am also hoping that all this rain will at the very least eleviate some of the fire danger that we normally have to deal with at this time of the year.

Another good thing is that if you have done any fall planting this you, you didn't have to do any watering recently. Plants always prefer rain water over tap water, so this is a really nice start to anything you may have planted. I personally transplanted a bunch of cedar trees. I am hoping they take root and grow. They were in an area that was way over crowded with cedar saplings, so I hope to give some of them a chance to grow big and tall by moving them. They seem to have enjoyed the rain as they are all still alive!

Soon the leaves will be turning in full force and the Thanksgiving holiday will soon be upon us. As fall turns to winter, I hope we are blessed with more precipitation, expecially in the form of snow, so that we can continue to be fire free and the trees and wildlife will continue to prosper.

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