Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Ok, who turned off the heat? Yesterday and today are serving as a reminder that winter is coming. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago we were sweating it out with temperatures in the high 80's? At that point, I couldn't imagine it would ever be cold again. Oh the difference a couple weeks can make!

Now for a little discussion that is off topic. If you have animals that you keep outside, please be sure you are providing for their needs. Now is the perfect time to go out and make sure they have adequate shelter that will keep them warm and dry in the up coming cold and wet months. Provide them with extra bedding and be diligent about keeping their accomodations clean. Some animals, such as chickens and goats, can become ill if their housing isn't kept clean and dry. Ammonia build up inside their housing, can be very harmful. If possible, position their shelter where it will get some sun during the cold winter months. Be sure to keep the snow shoveled away as well, so they can get in and out of their shelter.

Be sure to check on your animals a couple times a day in severe weather. Many animals enjoy warm water when the temperatures begin to plummet and might benefit from some extra nutrition as well. Keeping vigil on their health and their housing is the best way to ward off a sick animal. Winter is hard on them and as a responsible animal owner, you will want to do what is best for your animals.

Animals don't have a choice in who adopts them or how they are kept. Please be a responsible animal owner and make sure your animals are provided for adequately. Before taking on the care of an animal, be sure you have the time, the energy and the resources to do it properly. Remember, they are depending on us to keep them warm, dry, and healthy.

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