Thursday, October 7, 2010

Leaks again....

I know I just posted about leaks, however, this cannot be stressed too much. It is not the water district's responsibilty to find your leaks. If we do discover a leak, we try our best to get in touch with you to let you know. However, many leaks go undetected until we read the meters for billing. While doing the billing, if Becky sees an unusual jump in your water usage, she will try to contact you to let you know. However, it is ultimately your responsibility and as always, the best defense is a good offense. Turning your water off when you leave your mountain home will prevent a lot of problems. Things can go wrong at any time and if you are not on the hill for long periods of time, this can result in a lot of water loss.

So always remember and don't ever forget. When you leave your mountain home, TURN YOUR WATER OFF at your customer valve. This way you can rest assured that you won't return to a problem or get that dreaded phone call from Becky! Once the water runs through your meter, it is your responsibility. If you do not know where your customer shut off valve is, please call us at 951-659-2675 during our regular business hours, which are 9 to 4, Monday thru Friday, and we will be happy to help you locate it.

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