Thursday, October 7, 2010

Water Bills Sent

Water bills were sent out on Monday, Oct. 4th. If you don't receive your bill, please feel free to call us at 951-659-2675 or stop in the office at 24917 Marion Ridge Rd.and we can tell you how much you owe. There are occassional reports of bills that go missing after we mail them. We have no way to know which ones don't arrive and we have no way to track them.

If your bill doesn't arrive, please don't wait 5 or 6 weeks to check on this. Some people mistakenly think that not receiving a bill relieves them of the responsibility to pay it. This is not true. The bill is due on Oct. 25 and is subject to a late fee if not paid on time. So please keep these dates in mind and if your bill doesn't arrive, please call or stop in so we can let you know the amount of your bill. Thank you!

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