Thursday, October 21, 2010

Help! I lost my human!

On Tuesday morning as I sat at my desk watching the rain, I spotted not one, but two loose dogs running up and down Marion Ridge in front of the water district office. So of course Becky and I had to go out and see if we could help them. One had a tag on his collar, but wouldn't come near us. The other one, however, was extremely grateful to see a human and be taken in out of the rain. She is a Bassett Hound and is extremely sweet natured. She had a collar on, but unfortunately, no tags. She was soaked to the bone and very dirty. She was just walking up and down the road as if she knew she left her house somewhere, but didn't know where. My daughter came and got her and took her to our house. She gave her a warm bath, some lunch and a nice soft rug in front of the fire. Once she was cleaned up, she was just beautiful. Maria from ARF has scanned her, but she has no microchip.

We don't know what her name is, but she comes when you talk to her. She seems to have house manners and to be housebroken. Not sure of her age, but she is extremely docile and gentle. She is not the least bit bothered by my two pugs or my other little dog. She is not aggressive with food and walks nicely on a leash. She is content to sit with her head on your lap for as long as you'll let her.

Someone has to be missing this sweet girl. If she is your dog, or you know whose dog she is or if you would like to adopt her if no one claims her, please call Vicki at 951-659-0160 or call me here at the water district, 951-659-2675. You can also call Maria at ARF. Her number is 951-663-6466. We would love to get this girl back with her family. She is extremely docile and sweet natured and deserves to be back with her family. Please help us find her humans.

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