Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wow, it is raining!

I am sitting here at my desk in the water district office. It is very dark outside and it is pouring down rain. And just for fun, Mother Nature is throwing in a little bit of hail as well. Such a lovely day. In my book anyway. I just love the rain. Rain gives a whole different feel to the day. On a dark, rainy morning, it suddenly seems acceptable to stay in your jammies and just curl up on the couch with a hot cup of tea, your favorite soft bathrobe and the remote control. My pugs are fully aware of this and have spent the morning curled up on the couch with their favorite blanket, sound asleep, even though they just got done sleeping all night. No matter, a dark, dreary morning will to that to man and beast.

Unfortunately, it has decided to rain on a Tuesday which is a work day, so we here at the water district have stoically risen from our nice warm beds, gulped down our tea or coffee and reluctantly got ready for work. We then valiantly braved the elements to get to the office, leaving behind the comfort of our couches, the warmth of our soft bathrobes and hot beverages. We sit here in our office chairs and try to stay focused on our tasks at hand. We diligently plug away at our work while outside, Mother Nature continues her show. The good news is that our desks sit right under windows, which I am extremely grateful for. Being able to see outside all day long is such a wonderful thing. I simply cannot imagine sitting in a cubical not being able to see outside all day long. So even though I am not all snugly at home, I am able to watch this glorious display while I work.

Many days I get to witness the antics of the squirrels, birds, bees and butterflies that frequent the small garden that my window looks out on. It is so refreshing to turn my tired eyes from the computer to watch a couple of squirrels chasing each other around the garden and up and down the pine tree. There is nothing more relaxing than being in or looking out onto a garden. So on this wet, wild weathered morning, I have the privilege of at least being able to see all that glorious rain coming down.

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