Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Driving safely in the elements

Just a note to remind people to please slow down if they are out driving in this rain today. There is no where you have to go and no appointment so urgent that you have to risk life and limb by flying up and down the hill at unsafe rates of speed. If you are bleeding from an artery or about to give birth, then call 911 to get help or go to the clinic. There is absolutely no scenario I can think of that would necessitate someone driving up and down the hill at the speeds which I have, on many occasions, witnessed people driving at. Where are you going in such a hurry anyway? I for one, will not risk my life or the life of my child, who is usually in the car with me, just to get down the hill 5 minutes faster. When we have rain or snow, it is even more imperative that you slow down, take your time and drive carefully so you get to where you are going in one piece!

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