Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Musings

Mondays are sometimes given a bad rap as the day no one wants to see come. I don't mind them though. There is a certain rhythm to live, especially when one is working at a job or going to school, and sometimes the weekend can leave me feeling a little at lose ends as I have no set schedule to abide by.

Come Monday, things seem to settle back into place and my schedule is set for me. No guess work as to what I am going to be doing and when. I can plan my work and work my plan.

Starting on Monday, October 4, we are now open during lunch. Previously, the office was closed from 12 until 1 for lunch. But now, I will be working a set schedule in which I will be here during the lunch hour. We hope this works out well for those of you, who have in the past, called or stopped by only to find us "out to lunch." No more. I will be here usually from 9 until 1 or from 12 until 4. So come on by, the door is open!

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