Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rain Total

According to the weather station, we got a total of .28 inches of rain yesterday.  That's pretty good.  One of the things we discuss at the board meetings is the ground water situation and if the moisture that we have received has been plentiful enough to make it back down into the water supply.  If you have any questions on the state of our water supply, it is a good idea to attend a board meeting as they are a wealth of information. 

If you need a weather forecast, I have link posted on the left hand side of the blog to get the week's forecast. We are still trying to get the weather station live onto the blog, but so far, we haven't been able to achieve that.  But we will keep working on it.  In the meantime, I hope the links will work out.

I also posted several other links that Pine Covers might find useful.  So take a minute and look around the blog.  I am continually adding information that I think is helpful to both our full-time residents as well as our part-time residents.

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