Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Speaking of Free Stuff!

While we are on the subject of free stuff, don't forget about our bark chip mulch.  We are giving that away free to anyone on the hill.  You can just stop by and load up what you need.  However, if you are wanting an excessively large amount, please call and talk to use about it first.  We like to make sure there is enough for everyone who wants it. 

Why should I use mulch you may ask.  Well, because it helps the soil retain moisture.  Water is a precious commodity and we have to be very careful how we use it.  We should all be taking steps to make our outdoor watering more effective.  Even if you aren't a gardener, putting mulch around the trees or bushes in your yard will help them retain the moisture from rain or snow, thereby giving Mother Nature a helping hand. 

Compost is also useful in the yard or garden, as well amended soil retains moisture much better than non amended soil does.  Ever notice what happens to the water when you try to water some thing and the soil has not been amended with compost?  That's right, it runs off or just sits there.  That is not an effective use of water and your plants won't be doing very well.  Unless you have a whole landscape full of native plants that need this unamended soil, it is a good idea to start adding manure or compost or making your own compost and adding it to the garden.  Many times plants fail because they do not have the right soil conditions, among other things. 

That is another benefit of using mulch in the garden.  It will slowly decompose into compost and you don't have to do a thing.  Passive composting I guess you could call it.  Set it and forget it!  What could be easier and cheaper? 

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