Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Musings

I am so happy to see some sunshine today!  Do you ever notice how the weather affects your mood and energy levels?  It seems that during the snowy, rainy &  foggy weather, I don't function very well.  My brain seems to be foggy and I have no desire or energy to do much of anything but lay around and drink hot tea.  But once the sun comes out, it is like someone changed my batteries.   I am re-energized and ready to tackle projects that I have let slide for months.

This week promises the arrival of spring like weather and I for one, am very happy about that.  I know we need the snow, but I really am anxious to get back to outdoor activities.  I hope by the end of this week, that I can see the ground in my garden again.  I have lots to do out there and it is time to get started.  Here at the water district, we will be working on some projects such as using ollas for conserving water when watering the garden, composting for soil improvement and water retention and rain water harvesting for making use of the moisture that falls from the sky.  All of these things are key to conserving water while still  enjoying the delightful benefits of a home garden.

Some of these projects will be done at my personal garden.  Since I was planning to do them anyway, I am more than happy to report the results back here on the blog so that everyone can benefit from what learn.   I am also looking forward to touring  a local garden that uses rain water harvesting in their garden.  Rain water is so much better for plants and between using that for the landscape and ollas for the veggie garden, I am hoping to reduce my outside water use drastically.  Of course you can put rain water in your ollas as well.

It is my hope that by using a variety of gardening methods, I can show people how to use water wisely and efficiently, thereby enabling everyone to have a garden they can  enjoy while doing what is right for the earth and conserving our precious water resources.  It is easy to get lax about water use when we have had a wet winter, but just remember that  we never know if we will receive abundant moisture or not during any given winter,so it is best to use as many water conserving techniques as possible, no matter what the moisture situation is like.  Conserving today, provides for tomorrow!

So here is hoping for springs arrival and getting started on some of my garden projects!

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