Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Autumn Chores

Now that it is October, winter can't be far behind.  Now is the perfect time to get out into the garden and get it ready for next spring.  Autumn is a great time to add compost to your soil and to mulch in plants and trees that are already established.  When you use a natural mulch material such as wood chips, they will slowly decompose over time and provide compost to your soil as well as helping it retain moisture.  Well composted soil retains water much better than unamended soil.  So adding compost and mulch to the plants already in your yard, will help them become healthier and stronger and in turn you will use less water in your garden. 

So before fall turns to winter, get out there in the yard and add compost and mulch and let nature do it's work over the winter while you are inside enjoying a toasty warm fire and a hot cup of cocoa.  Remember that we have free wood chips available to anyone here on the hill. 

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