Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rain Water Catchment System

Now that the warm weather is here, it is the perfect time to set up a rain catchment system. Harvesting rain water is an excellent way to provide water for outdoor irrigation. A 1,000 sq. ft. roof will yield approximately 623 gallons of water from 1" of rain. This winters rain fall total was 21". That would have been a total of 13,083 gallons of water that could have been saved from one roof. Rain water is wonderful for plants and a you can make your system as simple or complicated as you like, depending on your watering needs. To figure out how much water you could save, just multiply the sq. footage of your roof by 623. Then divide by 1000. This will tell you how many gallons of water you could collect from your roof from 1" of rain. It is surprising how much could be saved.

Rain barrels are a great way to collect rainwater and distribute it. You can buy them or make your own from a 55 gallon drum. There are many examples of how to convert a 55 gallon drum to a rain barrel online. It is relatively simple and inexpensive to do. Your system can be as large or as small as you wish. Websites like HarvestH2O.com, provide a wealth of information on rainwater harvesting and rain water storage tanks come in many different sizes.

Watch this blog for other water saving tips and ideas in future posts. We will be discussing things like edible landscaping vs ornamentals, water permable driveways and sidewalks and many other ideas. Please feel free to contact us if you have any ideas you would like to see discussed on this blog.

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