Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What have you done for me lately?

If that is what you are asking of the water district, we are proud to tell you we are doing a lot!

We are happy to provide the following services FREE OF CHARGE to all Pine Cove Water District customers.

*Water conservation kits and information
*Rebates on low flow toilets, hot water recycling systems and high efficiency front loading
washing machines
*Wood chips for garden mulch
*Blue bird houses made from recycled wood
*A website, PCWD.org to provide answers to questions and information about the water district
and conserving water
*A blog, pinecovewaterdistrict.blogspot.com, to provide tips, news, up to the minute info and allow our customers to leave their comments
*Irrigation and environmental consulting

If you are interested in any of these services or products, just give us a call at the office. The number is 659-2675 between 9 and 12 or 1 and 4 and Becky or Vicki will help you. Or stop by. We always appreciate it when our customers stop in and let us know what is on their minds or to let us know what we can do to help them.

We are showing our concern for the environment by helping our customers to conserve!

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