Thursday, September 3, 2009

The value of water

We all know that water is a priceless commodity. Where would we be without fresh, clean water? Besides being a necessity for life, it is an incredible bargin! In a world of sky-rocketing prices on everything from food to homes to fuel, tap water remains one of the best deals around. At a fraction of a penny per gallon, tap water provides safety, convenience and freedom. Less than 1% of the average person's total personal income is spent on water and wastewater services.

Consider the prices you pay for other things as compared to water. How much would you be willing to spend on a nice dinner out? Chances are that one dinner would cost more than a water bill for one month. An 8 oz. glass of water can be refilled approximately 15,000 times for the same price as a six-pack of soda. How much was that bottle of wine you had with dinner last night? How about that blended coffee drink you had this morning?

The price of milk is around 3 to 4 dollars per gallon. One gallon of olive oil can set you back quite a bit as well. What about the price of juice these days? Studies show that bottled water is no purer than tap water, yet bottled water costs about 1,900% more. When you get right down to it, water is the best deal in town.

Add to that the fact that your water bill pays for a lot more than simply water. You get sophisticated water treatment, frequent testing and monitoring and a vast underground infrastructure that delivers safe, plentiful water right to your tap. We have knowledgeable, helpful staff manning the office and working in the field. As your water provider, we serve more than water. We provide value, public health, fire protection, reliability and peace of mind. Our job is to ensure that your water keeps flowing, not only today but well into the future. It's all part of our service commitment to you and everyone in our community. If you have any questions about your water bill, please feel free to call us at 951-659-2675 or stop in the office which is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road, Mon thru Fri from 9 to 12 and from 1 to4.

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