Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Musings

It is beautiful Monday morning. Cold, but clear and sunny. After a long holiday weekend, it is nice to get back to the daily routine. While holidays are nice, I always feel like I am living in a dream world for those few days. Once Monday hits, it is back to reality and I find that comforting. Since I am very routine oriented, I am always happy to be back at my desk here at the water district.

All the employees here at the Pine Cove Water District, hope that each of our customers had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. But now it is back to the business of running the water district. You will notice the boys, Jerry and Jeremy, out and about reading meters. New water bills will be out shortly.

We would like to remind everyone that we bill every other month on the even months. So we will be sending out December's bills in a few days. Remember that water bills are due on the 25th of the month. If you have not paid your bill by the due date, you will receive a late notice reminding you that the bill is due and that a late charge will be added to your account should it not be brought current.

We would also like to remind our customers that we now accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover cards. You can stop in and pay with your card or you can phone us and pay over the phone. There is a $2.50 processing fee that is charged by the company who processes the credit card payments for us. This money goes to them and not to us! We hope this option helps you manage your water bills.

If you need more information on our billing policies, please feel free to call the office at 951-659-2675 during regular business hours, which are now Monday thru Friday from 9 am until 4 pm.

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