Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter is here!

Well, it looks like Old Man Winter has arrived a little early this year. While the moisture is wonderful, I was hoping for a few more weeks of some beautiful fall weather before we were thrust into the throes of winter. But, I have no say in the matter and Mother Nature will have her way. So, ready or not, here comes winter. Perhaps we will get lucky and have a break every now and again throughout the long, cold months. Let's hope we have a season that is full of adequate moisture. We are off to a good start with October's rain and now November's rain and snow, but we are no where near being ahead of the game moisture wise.

We encourage our customers to continue doing the superior job they are doing with conserving water. To that end, we would like to remind you that we still have Water Saving Kits availabe free of charge, for all Pine Cove Water District customers. Just stop by the office at 24917 Marion Ridge Road and ask for one. It is as easy as that.

Everyone here, Jerry Holldber, Becky Smith, Vicki Jakubac, Jerry Johnson and Jeremy Potter, and Stitch the dog, wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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