Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Musings

Here it is the 18th of the month already.  Where does the time go?  Next week it will be time to read the meters again.  The boys will probably be out and about the second half of next week.  Bills will be sent out the first part of the following week.  Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.  As a reminder, we bill every other month on the even months.  So February, April, June, August, October and December are the months you will receive a bill.

Bills are always due by the 25th of the month they are received in.  If you are going to have a problem paying, it is best to get in touch with Becky at 951-659-2675 and let her know.  Late payments are subject to a $15 late fee and so you want to avoid that if possible.

We also want to remind everyone to turn their water off at their customer valve when they leave their mountain home.  Yes, it is summer, but leaks can happen any time of the year.  Customers are responsible for all the water that runs through their meter, so leak prevention is critical. We have to be vigilant all year long, not just in the winter time.  So if you are leaving, take a minute and turn your water off.  It is like the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."  So true when it comes to turning the water off to your home.

If you do not know where your customer valve is, please give us a call and one of the boys, Jerry or Jeremy,  will be more than happy to come out and show you where it is located and how to turn it off and on.  It is a simple thing that can save you thousands of dollars in water bills and damage.  If you have an outdoor watering system, it is good to check that periodically for leaks as well.  Some times the squirrels can reek havoc with outdoor drip systems or they can just develop leaks over time.  A few minutes spent in maintenance and prevention will also go a long way in preventing unexpected leaks. 

Here at the Pine Cove Water District, we want our customers to be aware of things that can and do go wrong and how to prevent a catastrophic leak.  I know we sound like a broken record at times, however, there are still those who do not heed our advice or warnings and they end up with a problem.  We hate to see anyone have to deal with that, so we will keep repeating ourselves over and over again.  Turn your water off when you leave your mountain home!

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