Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Morning

Good morning all.  It is a brisk morning, but those winds from last week are gone and the sky is partly cloudy today.  They aren't calling for any more snow this week and in fact, the weather service says it should be in the 50's by the weekend.  So a little reprieve from the cold winter weather we have been experiencing.  The roads still have the occasional icy spots in the early morning from the snow that melts during the day and then freezes up overnight.  So if you are out on the roads heading to work, be careful.  Otherwise, the driving is fine here in Pine Cove.

But don't let the daytime temperatures fool you. It still gets cold at night and water pipes can develop leaks at any time of the year. So don't let your guard down just because the daytime temps have warmed up a little bit.

Turning off your water at your customer valve, when leaving your mountain home is the single most important thing you can do to prevent damage and loss from a water leak or a frozen or broken pipe.

 It only takes a minute and could save you a lot of headaches and money. So get in the habit of turning it off when you leave your mountain home.

With the upcoming holidays, many part-timers and visitors will be here on the hill.  Luckily, the weather will be nice so we won't have snow covered or icy roads to contend with.  It should be a beautiful weekend for this time of year and we hope everyone has a memorable time while here in Pine Cove.

If you are visiting, please remember to find a safe place to play in the snow and not on the side of the road.  County Park in Idyllwild is a great place, as there is plenty of parking, lots of room, to run around and play, rest rooms, picnic tables for a picnic in the snow and no danger of accidentally going into a busy road.

REMEMBER, the turn outs are for cars that need to pull off the road and are not parking areas. It is also dangerous to let your children play in the turn outs because should an emergency occur and a car needs to pull in there unexpectedly, someone could get hurt.  It is also very dangerous to play along the side of the road. So please play in a safe area so that you go home with nothing but wonderful winter memories.

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