Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Musings

Early Saturday morning I awoke to a strange sound. What could that noise on the roof be? Then it dawned on me that it was rain! Oh happy day. It was raining. While it didn't turn out to be a lot of rain, at least it was something. It was refreshing to wake up to a cool, rainy morning. I pulled on my heavy robe as it felt pretty chilly in my house, and headed downstairs to put the kettle on for tea. I leisurely sipped a cup of hot tea while I listened to the raindrops come down. It was a wonderful way to start the day. It makes me long for autumn and cooler, wet weather and I thoroughly enjoyed the respite from the non-stop sunshine. Plus the smell of rain is one of lifes true pleasures.

I hope you too enjoyed the little shower Mother Nature saw fit to provide us with. I can only hope that we have more mornings like that in store for us.

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