Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August Already?

Time is flying by and before we know it, summer will be over. We would like to remind everyone to be sure and TURN OFF your water at your customer valve when you leave your mountain home. Nothing can ruin a wonderful vacation like coming home only to find out you have had a leak. Turning off your water when you leave, not only prevents damage in your home should a leak occur inside, but it prevents excessive water usage should a leak go undetected for any amount of time. With the dry, hot weather we have been having, a small outdoor leak can go undetected for a long time. Many people mistakenly think that there would be a large wet area should a leak occur, but that is not always the case. Depending on the location and size of a leak, you may never see any wet ground at all.

Remember that any water that runs through your meter is your responsibility. So please be very diligent about turning your water off when you leave the hill and prevent a unfortunate situation from occurring.

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