Friday, August 28, 2009


There seems to be some confusion when it comes to our billing system, so here are the facts. They are also listed on our website at

We bill on the first work day of the even months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec). The bill is due on the 25th of that same month, or the following Monday if the 25th falls on the weekend. If your bill has not been paid by the 25th, late notices are then generated and the account is subject to disconnection and/or a $15.00 Late Fee after the 10th of the following month, unless the bill is paid in full, or you have called the office to make other arrangements.

We have had an occasional problem with the small postcard bills getting lost in the mail or not reaching the customer. If you have not received your bill by the 10th of the even months, please call our office to request a duplicate, or you can email Remember, you are responsible for your water bill even if it gets lost in the mail.

Please make sure that the office has your most current mailing address and a phone number to be used in case of an emergency. If you have not filled out your Application for Water Service yet, please do so as soon as possible. You can mail it in, drop it off at the office or fax it to 951-959-3112. Please email with your current billing information and emergency phone number, or feel free to call the office and speak to us personally.

As always, please remember to turn off your water when you leave your mountain home.

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