Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This Weather, Yikes!

Well, I thought it was spring, but surprise, not yet.  This is very discouraging.  There is something very wrong about snow in May.  It is depressing!  I don't want cold and snow and ice chunks falling off the trees.  I want sun and 60 degree days and to be out in the garden planting vegetables.  Luckily, I did get a lot of work done in my garden on Saturday, before this storm moved in, so it is getting a nice watering at least.  But, I was just getting started and now have had to put everything on hold. With each storm, I think, OK this is the last one!  However, Mother Nature always has the upper hand and I can never seem to out guess her.  So I guess we will just have to live with it.  The good news is that we are getting more moisture!  So that is wonderful.  Now if only the temperatures would rise we would be in good shape!  Hope everyone stays warm and dry.

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