Monday, May 2, 2011

Leaks again....

Even though the weather is warming up, there is still the chance of developing a leak.  While freezing pipes aren't an issue at this time of the year, other things can and do go wrong.  Now is a good time to check your outdoor irrigation system if you have one.  In fact, why not have a look at all your exposed pipes?  Better to spot a problem early on and fix it than to have a leak develop.

As always, we recommend that you turn your water off at your customer valve if you leave your mountain home.  This is the single most important thing you can do to prevent a catastrophic water loss due to a leak.  I know we sound like a broken record by saying this, but it never fails that someone develops a leak and doesn't find out about it until after the fact.  One never knows when a pipe is going to break or develop a leak and while you are away is not the time you want that to happen.  If you water is turned off, then no water damage can be done.  Remember, you are responsible for all the water that runs through your meter, regardless of why.  Many people mistakenly feel that if they develop a leak, they shouldn't have to pay for the water that was lost.  I am not sure where that idea comes from, but our board has not adopted a policy to forgive water bills for catastrophic losses.  So even if you have no other motivation to turn your water off when you leave, think of it as a financial decision!

We are still giving a reward of a $25 gift certificate to anyone who finds and reports a leak to us.  We have had several awarded so far this year, so keep your eyes peeled.  It is beneficial for all of us to be water aware.  While there are springs popping up all over Pine Cove due to the wet winter we had, it is best to call us and let us go check it out if you aren't sure.  Who knows, you could be having lunch on us!

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