Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Earth Fair 2011

Just wanted to let you all know that the Pine Cove Water District will have a booth at the Earth Fair again this year.  Last year we did a quick set up to see if there would be enough interest to warrant doing a booth again this year and there was!  Happily, people are interested in saving water and other sustainable living ideas.  So we will be back bigger and better this year!

Our focus for this year will be compost, mulch and water in the garden.  While many of you are familiar with soaker hoses, drip systems and so on, we will be showcasing an very old idea that isn't used much any more but should be!  We will have samples of easy to make compost bins and will have samples of the 3 stages of compost as well as ideas on what to compost.

There will be some other things there as well and lots of information.  So we hope you will stop by and visit us and see what Pine Cove Water District is doing to promote water conservation.

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