Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain, rain, rain

I expected to wake up to a lot of snow this morning. Boy was I surprised to find it raining. And so it continues on through this morning. Hope you are all staying warm and dry. If you are planning to come up to Pine Cove, please be sure to check the weather reports as well as local road conditions prior to setting out.

You can go to for current road conditions.

For current weather conditions you can go to

If you don't need to travel, it would be best to stay home. Should this turn to ice at some point, driving would be very hazardous. If you do decided to go out on the roads, make sure you are prepared to drive in winter weather. Don't forget to check for chain requiments as well before you set out. After you get stuck, it is too late.

So stay indoors, keep warm, dry and safe.

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