Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow coming?

Word has it that we are in for a big storm over the next week or so. Up to 4 feet of snow is being predicted to fall on us. If you remember last year's storms of around 3 feet of snow, you will remember what havoc that wrecked on us all. Many people were without power for days, trees were snapped off like twigs and it seemed impossible to keep a driveway clear of snow.

We would like to remind everyone to gas up their vehicles and get out your chains if necessary. Stock up on some emergency supplies and be prepared for a power outage. If you need medications, make sure you get them filled before Monday. Don't forget to check up on your neighbors as well. Especially if you know someone who is older or housebound. Don't try to drive in the storm. Keep a good supply of wood close to the house if that is what you use for heat. With a little prepartion and some common sense, we can make it through this storm.

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