Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sustainable Thursday

As Easter looms in the not to far off distance, we are reminded that spring is a renewing time of year. It never ceases to amaze me each year how the plants here on our mountain know it is spring and time to bloom and grow. While some are slower than others, it is amazing to walk through the yard and see all the activity going on. Bulbs are springing to life, leaves on certain trees are budding up. Roses are growing after being dormant for the long, cold winter. Things just seem to be re-born everywhere you look.

It doesn't stop with the plants either. All of a sudden the birds are a buzz with activity and the squirrels are out and about in full force. I am sure it won't be long until the insects figure out it is spring and arrive in full force as well. The ants already seem to have figured that out, so the others can't be far behind.

In order to avoid a mosquito invasion, make sure you do not have any standing water around your house or yard. With all the snow we have had this past winter, it is easy for any type of a container left outside to become full of water and harbor a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Check around your property and make sure you empty out any standing water. Mosquitoes can carry diseases and it is best to play it safe.

As always, we have to be aware of the danger of rattlesnakes. While this is a subject that sends fear through my entire being, it is something we must be aware of. Always take precautions around wood piles and any other places you think a snake could be hanging out. After almost stepping on a rattlesnake in my own front yard one day, I am now more observant when I am outside gardening or walking around. One favorite hide out for them is under propane tanks and under the lids on the propane tanks. While rattlesnakes are a part of nature, they are a part I do not wish to encounter, so being extremely cautious is how I deal with the situation. As it warms up and we are outside cleaning up our yards, remember that the rattlesnakes may be warming up as well and ready to come out for that first sunbath of the year. Keep yourself safe.

If you have the urge to start planting, remember to add compost to your soil so that it will retain water better and then top that with mulch to keep the moisure in. We are still offering a free bag of compost to Pine Cove Water District customers and we are offering FREE wood chips to anyone who wants them. Come and take advantage of these offers while you can.

We are also giving away blue bird houses. Now is the time to come and pick one up and get it hung up in a tree so the birds can make their nests. We also have water saving kits available to our customers. They contain a water saving shower head as well as an aerator and low flow spigots and they are absolutely FREE!

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