Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Water Bills

The boys, Jerry and Jeremy, were out and about reading water meters this week. If you will recall at our last billing we were unable to read the meters due to the large amount of snow. Luckily we are not facing that problem this time. Many of you noticed that your last bill was exactly the same as your December bill. That was due to not being able to read the meters. This billing will have you correct reading on it and many of you will be getting a credit on your bill. Becky, the office manager, is going over each account individually and will be crediting all accounts that paid for more water than they used. If you have any questions at all about this, please give her a call at 951-659-2675 and she will be happy to talk to you about your account. We apologize for any confusion this may cause but rest assured that after this billing, all accounts will be current and to date. We appreciate your patience with this matter. Our office hours are 9 to 12 and 1 to 4, Monday thru Friday. Please feel free to stop by if you have any questions. You can also email us at if you need more information. Thank you.

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