Tuesday, March 23, 2010

World Water Day

Yesterday, March 22, 2010, was World Water Day. According to the website waterday. org, nearly 1 billion people worldwide do not have clean drinking water and 2.6 billion still lack basic sanitation. Living in the United States, it is hard to comprehend this. World Water Day, celebrated annually on March 22, was established by the United Nations in 1992 and focuses attention on the world's water crisis, as well as the solutions to address it.

Here in Pine Cove, we are lucky. All we have to do to get fresh, clean water is turn on our taps. We have the luxury of having water that tastes good and does not carry any diseases or bacteria. We have ample water to cook with, wash our clothes with, take hot showers or baths with, and for our gardening needs. We have sanitation systems and don't have to worry about the issues that arise when that is not the case. While we take this all for granted, we must bear in mind that we are truly blessed to have the luxury of clean drinking water.

When reading about the plight of people who do not have access to a fresh water supply, it suddenly becomes crystal clear how others, who do not have this basic need being met, must be suffereing. Just think about all the times in a day that you use water. What if you had to walk a mile and wait in line to get water for that first pot of coffee in the morning? What if the only water you had access to carried diseases? Hundreds of little things we do each day, from brushing our teeth to cooking our dinner, depend on us having clean water. We are actually twice blessed because not only do we have access to clean water, but it comes right into our homes. We don't have to walk to get it, wait in line for it or carry it home.

If we want a drink of water, no problem. We can walk to the sink and get it. We don't have to worry about getting sick or using up the only water we have. For an eye opening experience, try counting how many times in a day you reach for your spigot. Water is a precious resource and should not be taken for granted. It is easy to get complacient when it comes to conserving, but I would ask you to remember the old adage, "There but for the grace of God go I." If everyone conserves, we can continue to ensure that Pine Cove residents will enjoy clean, fresh water for many years to come.

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