Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Payments are due

Your current water bill was due on June 25. In order to avoid a late charge, please get your payments in as soon as possible. Thank you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer finally here?

Well I think it is safe to say that summer is finally here. This is great news for gardners. One pleasure of the summer garden is of course, the herb garden. For those who love to garden and cook, this is a double pleasure. I love being in the garden and just smelling the herbs as they are growing. Even more delightful is cooking with the herbs fresh from the garden. I also dry them for use over the long winter months. Let us know what herbs you enjoy growing and what you do with them. My two personal favorites are as follows:

Mint- Mints are a must have in the garden. Spearmint and peppermint top our list and are wonderful when added to freshly brewed ice tea. There are many varieties of mints, so a trip to the nursery is a fun way to spend the afternoon just checking out all the different varities. Even if you don't plan to use the mint in your cooking, it smells so darn good in the garden that you have to grow it just for that reason alone. It is a little invasive, but you can solve that by putting it into a container or putting it in a pot and planting the pot in the garden. No one will ever know your secret that way!

Basil- This is a big favorite of mine for cooking. Basil is great, not only seasoning sauces, but it is fabulous on sandwiches and in salads. I personally feel that one can never have too much basil. If you are like me and make your own spaghetti and pizza sauces, then you will want to grow a lot of basil and dry it for use during the winter months. It is wonderful added to soups and stews as well.

I also plant sage, parsley, oregano and dill. You can plant whatever herbs you like and will use. Herbs are easy to grow and extremely useful and I high recommend planting a few in your garden if you haven't already.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Official!

The Pine Cove Water District's Annual Customer Appreciation Lunch was a big success! The food was wonderful and the weather was spectacular. Approximately 40 Pine Covers came out to take advantage of a free lunch at a beautiful setting and enjoyed barbequed tri tip sandwichs, homemade salads of several varieties, ice cream, "sodees" and good company.

A tour of the Dutch Flats facility was led by our General Manager, Jerry Holldber. Stitch and several other dogs were in attendance and they had as good of a time as the humans! All in all it was a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. We can't wait until next year and we hope to see you there in 2011!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June Billing

Water bills were sent out last week and are due by the 25th of this month. For your convenience, we now accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover cards. You can use them in person or over the phone. There is $2.50 convenience charge that goes directly to the credit card processing company. This is a quick and easy way to pay your water bill and is especially handy for those who live off the hill. Please call Becky at 951-659-2675 or email her at Becky@pcwd.org for more information on this matter. We hope this helps to make paying your water bill easier.

As usual, we still accept payments at our office at 24917 Marion Ridge Rd. Our hours are 9 to 12 and 1 to 4, Monday through Friday. If you arrive at the office after hours, please feel free to slip your payment through the slot in the door. Of course you can also mail your payment into us if that is easier for you.

Please remember that bills that are not paid by the 10th of July will be charged wtih a late fee. If you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please call Becky at 951-659-2675. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Board Meeting

Our next board meeting will be on June 9, 2010 at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. The agenda for the meeting will be posted on June 4, 2010. We hope to see you at the meeting.


In order to give us a better idea of how many people will be attending our Customer Appreciation Day BBQ, please RSVP to Becky or Vicki at 951-659-2675. We want to be sure to make enough food to go around. Thank you.


It is June 1st and that means it is billing time. Please remember that we bill the first of the even months. February, April, June, August, October and December are our billing months. The bills are due on the 25th of the month they are received in and if they are not paid by that time, a late notice will be generated and sent to you. If your bill is not paid by the 10th of the next month, a $15 late fee will be added to your account.

Please keep these dates in mind when figuring your budget so you can pay your bill in a timely manner. If you are experiencing difficulties, please call the office at 951-659-2675 and talk to Becky, our office manager. She handles all the billing and is very happy to work with you. If you do not contact her, she has no way of knowing that you are experiencing difficulties and will have no choice but to charge late fees to your account. Keeping the lines of communication open is the best way to handle a difficult situation and to find a solution that works for all parties involved.

Customer Appreciation Day

Hopefully everyone had a fun filled Memorial Day Weekend. It seemed there was lots to do from yard sales to BBQs. The weather was beautiful so no matter what activities you chose to participate in, it should have been enjoyable!

Now that it is June 1st, it is time to remind you about our annual Customer Appreciation Day, complete with a BBQ lunch. It will be held at Dutch Flats again this year and all Pine Cove residents are welcome to come. It is a wonderful opportunity to come out and meet some fellow Pine Covers, have a wonderful lunch and find out what is going on with the water distict.

The BBQ will start right after the Pine Cove Property Owners Association meeting. Jerry Holldber, General Manager of the Pine Cove Water District will be giving a talk at the PCPOA meeting, so you might want to attend the meeting first and then head on over to Dutch Flats for lunch. Jerry and Stitch will be holding court at Dutch Flats and will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the water district.

Due to their immense popularity, we will again be serving tri tip sandwiches. We will also have homemade salads and some desserts available. You don't want to be late because last year there wasn't a single bite of tri tip left. So make sure you get there early and get yours. You can enjoy the beautiful setting at Dutch Flats, tour the aeration plant or just enjoy having lunch in the great outdoors under the trees. Hope to see you there!