Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More Frequently Asked Questions

It's Tuesday, so that means it is time for more frequently asked questions to be answered.  If you think of a question for us that you never see answered here, email us at info@pcwd.org and we will answer it here on the blog for you!  We are trying to think of everything, but you never know when someone will come up with a question that we haven't thought of yet.

Q.  Did you raise rates in February because I am conserving water and you aren't selling as much now?

A.  In a word, no.  While our water sales are down due to less people living here in Pine Cove as well as conservation efforts by many of our residents, we raised our rates do to the fact that our costs are escalating.  Electricity has gone way up and so have many of the materials that we use.  This economy is hard on everyone.

Q.  Why do I keep getting a bill when I am not up there to use any water?

A.  There is an advanced minimum billing amount of $47 for each water meter.  Water usage is added on top of that minimum billing amount.  If you use no water you will not be charged for any water. Only for the minimum amount of $47.  The minimum amount is due even if you don't visit your home and don't use any water.

Q.  Why can't you just come out and turn my water off so I don't get a bill at all?

A.  We have to continually maintain all the water lines and make sure water is available to every property with a meter at all times.  The advanced minimum billing amount of $47 goes towards this maintenance.  Even if you choose not to visit your mountain home for years on end, we still have to maintain the lines to your home and make sure that there is water available for you when you do come up to visit.

Q.  Why do I have to pay the water bill when I have a leak?

A.  All water that runs through a customer's meter is the customer's responsibility and must be paid for.  However,  we do realize that when someone has a leak, the bill for the extra water used can be a financial hardship for them.  We are therefore usually able to work with a customer who has had a leak and offer a payment plan to help make the payment more manageable.  We are unable to forgive water bills, even catastrophic ones, due to the policy that is set by our Board of Directors.

Q.  Why do you keep telling people to turn their water off when they leave their mountain home?  It is very inconvenient to keep turning my water off and on when I arrive and leave.

A.  See the question right above this one.  A lot of leaks occur in homes that are only being used part of the time.  The owner leaves without turning the water off and then has no way of knowing when something breaks or a leak develops.  When we read the meters and notice a spike in water use, we will contact the owner to let them know, but by that time, they could have lost a lot of water.  During the cold, winter months, pipes can burst, as was the case this past winter, and this can cause not only a high water bill, but if it happens in the house, it can cause a lot of damage as well.  No one wants to deal with water damage in their home or a high water bill. Imagine arriving at your mountain home and opening the door only to find it had been flooded by a broken pipe.   Turning your water off at your customer valve anytime you leave your mountain home assures that if something does go wrong, it will not result in catastrophic water loss or damage.  It only takes a minute to do it and it can save countless hours of aggravation and a lot of money.

Well that is enough for this week.  Remember if you think of any question that we haven't answered yet, go ahead and email us.  We want everyone to understand how and why the water district operates the way it does.  For more information you can always attend our monthly board meeting as well.

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